Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement is, by definition, enforcement of the City’s Code of Ordinances. These ordinances are put in place to protect citizens’ well-being, rights, and property values. They also ensure that everyone in the community abides by the same rules and regulations.
The City Council works long and hard to take the concerns and desires of our citizens into consideration before approving new laws or changing existing ones. Any and all changes are made for the betterment of our community as a whole. It is the Council’s intention to create a safe and pleasing environment, to attract residential and commercial development, plan for the future while respecting our heritage, improve infrastructure, and maintain fiscal responsibility.
The City has been very successful at educating the community on the ordinances and obtaining voluntary compliance. To report a code violation contact the City Administrator at 817-710-2526, or via email for assistance. Dial 911 to report a code violation that is causing immediate danger to people or property (animal issues).
Click HERE to be taken to the City's Code of Ordinances webpage.
Contact the City Administrator if you have any questions regarding current ordinances or would like information on how to propose changes to existing ordinances.