City Administration


Contact:  Brandy Barrett


Contact:  Crystal Dozier


Minutes & Agendas

Open Records Requests

Election Information

Code of Ordinances

Alcoholic Beverage Permits

Solicitation Distribution Permits 



Staff is committed to support the legislative process, encourage and facilitate civic involvement, promote confidence through governmental transparency, and provide enthusiastic service to the public and city staff. 


Staff desires to be a highly-valued, providing excellent external and internal customer service, promoting transparency and accessibility, inspiring public confidence and exceeding customer expectations.


The positions are statutorily required by law and are designated Officers of the City by Ordinance.  

They serve the citizens and provides administrative support to the Mayor and City Council, promoting civic involvement through documentation, recruitment, application, and training of Council, Commission, Committee, Board members, and City Staff maintaining compliance with the:

·        Open Meetings Act preparing and posting agendas, minutes and packets for all public meetings; and

·        State Election Code coordinating annual and special municipal elections; and

·        State Records Retention Schedules maintaining and preserving all City records and history; and

·        State Public Information Act, as the designated Public Information Officer responsible for responding to the requests for documents, promoting transparency, focusing on digitizing and publishing City records to be accessible by the public on the City’s website; and

·        Local Government Code and City Ordinances insuring that staff and citizens are aware of and abide by all state and local laws.


They serve as the Human Resources Department committed to providing professional, engaging and strategic human resource and volunteer solutions that support the City's core values and strategic plans.  Charged with the responsibility of developing, maintaining and monitoring HR programs and functions, including employee benefits, employee relations, position classification, recruitment, training, personnel records management, payroll and policy development.  Ensuring that the city's human resources business is conducted in a manner that is compliant the:

·        Equal Employment Opportunities:  As such we are committed to hiring and retaining a highly qualified and diversified workforce.  The city is mandated by federal law to provide a drug-free working environment for the safety of its employees and the public. All employment is contingent upon passing a pre-employment drug test and/or physical. It is the policy of the city not to discriminate against any person in recruitment, examination, appointment, training, promotion, discipline or any other aspect of personnel administration because of religious opinions or affiliations, membership or non-membership in employee organizations, or because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, gender, veteran, disability or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, and local laws.

·        Fair Labor Standards Act:  Ensuring positions are classified and employees are paid in compliance within FLSA established guidelines and standards.

·        Americans with Disabilities:  Ensuring that no person is discriminated against based on their disability. The city offers equal employment opportunity to qualified individuals and strictly prohibits the discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of disability. The city shall provide reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees who are otherwise qualified to perform the essential job duties when doing so does not create an undue hardship for the city.

·        At-Will Employment: Employment with the City of Westworth Village is "At Will" and is for no definite period of time at any specified wage, benefit or conditions of employment.  Either the employee or the city may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, without notice or cause. 

·        Drug-Free Workplace: The City recognizes the health and safety risks of drug and alcohol abuse and the adverse effects it has on job performance. It is the policy of the city to maintain a safe and drug-free work environment for all of its employees. The city will not hire any applicant for employment found to be engaging in the use or consumption of drugs or abuse of alcohol, unless such drug is prescribed for the user by a licensed physician, and then only if such drug is being used / consumed for the purpose intended and does not interfere with the performance of duties. All employment is contingent upon a pre-employment, for cause and random drug screening.  Any candidate or employee who refuses to submit to drug screening will be removed from consideration of employment or terminated effective immediately.

The City Administrator serves as the Emergency Management Coordinator working with the Chief of Police to coordinate actions to prevent disruption to city services by mitigating issues, educating the staff and public on how to survive and recover from a crisis and participating with the Tarrant County Office of Emergency Management to insure the ongoing compliance of the Westworth Village portion of the FEMA approved Hazardous Mitigation Action Plan.


Alcoholic Beverage Permits

In accordance with City Ordinance, Section 4.02 – Alcoholic Beverage Sales:

(a) No person shall sell alcoholic beverages in the city unless a permit or license authorizing such sale is first issued by the state alcoholic beverage commission and remains in effect.

(b) No permit or license shall be issued except in conformance with all state and city regulations.

(c)  A fee for each application for a permit or license to sell alcoholic beverages shall be collected by the city when the application for such permit or license is requested.


Click HERE to get an Alcoholic Beverage Permit Application. Return the completed application to the City Secretary.


Solicitation Distribution Permit Application

In accordance with City Ordinance, Article 4.03 – Solicitors, Canvassers, Handbill Distributors, and Panhandlers, solicitors and commercial handbill distributors are required to register with the city to aid crime detection and deter deceptive and fraudulent practices.

Click HERE to get a Solicitation Distribution Permit Application.