The Westworth Village Police Department serves the community with Professional, Vigilant, and Courteous service, with an overall goal to create and maintain relationships that will continue to make Westworth Village a better and safer place to work, visit, and enjoy life.
As a member of the Westworth Village Police Department, I agree to act in a professional, honorable, and supportive manner in order to support the Mission of the organization.
This sense of duty will be demonstrated in our relationships with each other and to the citizens we serve in the community. This will be accomplished through encouraging a positive, supportive environment in order to protect and serve the community’s quest for a peaceful and safe existence, free from fear, with democratic values applied equally to all citizens. We agree to succeed in our mission through:
Integrity: Demonstrated by our actions not just our words.
Accountability: To ourselves and the community we serve.
Professionalism: Our conduct and demeanor display the highest standards of personal and organizational excellence.
Service: The community is our number one priority.
Courage: To stand up for what is right, act upon the principles of fairness and justice for all.
Respect: For the people we serve.
We agree to hold each other and ourselves accountable and give 100% to our mission.
In the event of conflict, we agree to address issues professionally, promptly, privately, and one on one. We will listen openly, be factual, and provide feedback as we seek resolution. We agree to accept responsibility for our actions, being cognizant of the other person’s concerns, and show compassion for each other. We agree not to confront in anger, not be defensive, and if necessary, seek mediation through the chain of command.
We pledge our support for this social contract and commit our efforts to our daily interactions and our service to the citizens of the community.